Rural Electrification of 33 Localities in Cameroon

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Executing Department

OPEN INTERNATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER No 001/AOIO/AER/CPM/2010 OF 27th MAY 2010 Open international invitation to tender launched by the Rural Electrification Agency of Cameroon for the Rural Electrification of the 33 localities in the North, Center, South and North West Regions. 1. Funding and subject of the invitation The Government of the Republic of Cameroon solicited and obtained a loan of 6. 54 million Islamic Dinars which represents approximately 9. 49 million US dollars or 5.2 billion Francs CFA from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), for financing the electrification project of 33 localities in rural areas of four (04) Regions of Cameroon (Center, North, North West and South) and intends to use part of this loan to carry out authorized payments within the framework of the present invitations to tender. 2. Nature of services The Rural Electrification Agency of Cameroon (AER), contracting authority, hereby requests closed bids from eligible bidders who meet up to the required qualifications to carry out the executions works enumerated bellow in three lots as shown in the attached file. 3. Participation and origin The contract award shall be conducted through an International Invitation to tender as specified by the “guidelines of the IDB for the contract award” and opened to all the bidders from member countries of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The interested eligible bidders can obtain information and consult tender documents from the address mentioned below. 4. Main qualification criteria As a prerequisite for qualification bidders must have experience on similar project, satisfactory financial capabilities and must conform to the technical specifications of the materials and equipment proposed. Bids will be rejected on the non compliance to any one of the above mention criteria. 5. Maximum number of lots The interested bidders are authorized to present, according to their choice, bids for one two or all of the lots. The contracting authority shall award according to lots or by combination of lots, which present the most economic global combination, taking into account the reductions offered by the bidders. 6. Delivery deadline The execution period is fourteen (14) months as from the date of notification the jobbing order. Each bidder will propose a detailed planning of activities which will be an integral part of his bid. 7. Acquisition of tender documents Interested bidders can obtain tender documents written in French by drafting a written request to the address mentioned below as from the publication of this tender, upon presentation of the receipt of payment of a non-refundable amount of two hundred thousand (200 000) francs CFA, payable to ARMP special account fund No 335988 opened in the International Savings and Credit Bank of Cameroun (BICEC). The Tender Documents can be also sent by electronic mail. 8. Submission of bids Bids drafted in French or English, in seven (07) copies, comprising one (01) original and six (06) duplicates labeled as such, must be submitted at the address mentioned below latest 03rd of august 2010 at 10 am, local time and must be labeled as follows: OPEN INTERNATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°001/AOIO/AER/CPM/2010 OF 27th MAY 2010 Launched by the Rural Electrification Agency for the electrification of 33 localities in the North, Center, South and North West Regions. “To be opened only during the tender review session” Bids which are submitted late shall not be accepted. 9. Opening of bids The bids shall be opened in single phase. Bids will be open on 03rd of august 2010 at 11 am, local time in the presence of the bidders or their duly mandated representatives to the address given below. All bids must have a bid bond delivered by a banking institution approved by the Ministry of Finance and accepted by the IDB; and expressed in the currency of the bid or of a freely exchangeable currency with a minimum amount of two percent (2%) of the total amount of the bid. This guarantee will remain valid for thirty (30) days as from the original date of validity of the bid. 10. Validity of bids Bidders will remain committed to their offers for 120 days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders. 11. Complementary information The address to which references are made above is: Rural Electrification Agency of Cameroun BP: 30704 Yaounde Phone: (237) 22 21 23 84 or (237) 22 21 23 85, Fax: (237) 22 21 23 81 Email: with copy to: The General Manager of AER, Contracting Authority