Spn - Civil Works for the Upgrading of 92km Muyembe – Nakapiripirit Road and 25km Secondary Link Roads

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Specific Procurement Notice (Civil Works)
Executing Department
Transport Division
Project title
National Roads Development and Maintenance Programme (Nrdmp)

NATIONAL ROADS DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME (NRDMP) CIVIL WORKS FOR THE UPGRADING OF 92KM MUYEMBE – NAKAPIRIPIRIT ROAD AND 25KM SECONDARY LINK ROADS SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE Invitation for Prequalification 1. The Government of Uganda has applied for a Financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) towards the cost of the National Roads Development and Maintenance Programme (NRDMP) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Financing to the payments under the contracts for the Upgrading of 92km long Muyembe-Nakapiripirit Road to asphaltic paved road standard and to improve the 25km secondary road links. Disbursement in respect of any contracts signed, will be subject to approval of the financing by the Bank. 2. The Uganda National Roads Authority now intends to prequalify contractors and/or firms for: Upgrading of Muyembe-Nakapiripirit Road (92km) from earthen/gravel roadway to asphaltic paved road standard and improvement of the 25km secondary road links– Procurement No: UNRA/WORKS/2015-16/00001 3. The Muyembe-Nakapiripirit road is part of National Road Network. It is located in North-Eastern part of Uganda. It starts at Muyembe and ends in the center of Nakapiripirit town. It traverses the districts of Bulambuli and Nakapiripirit and a section of road alignment passes through Pian Upe Park area. 4. The Road works shall include all works related to upgrading of existing 2-lane earthen/gravel roadway to a two 3.5m wide traffic lanes, 1.5m paved and 0.45m unpaved shoulders and improvement of 25km secondary link roads, associated structures, drainage works, highway safety works, provision of weighing and axle load control equipment, road side facilities and other associated civil works. It will also include the works related to social and environmental mitigation measures. The road is being maintained under Term Maintenance contract. 5. It is expected that Invitations for Bid (IFB) will be made in February 2016. 6. Prequalification will be conducted through prequalification procedures specified in the Bank’s Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works May 2009, and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries, as defined in the Guidelines. 7. Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the Prequalification Document at the address below during working hours (0900 to 1700). 8. A complete set of the Prequalification Document in the English language may be purchased by interested applicants through submission of a written application to the address below, and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of UGX 50,000 (Uganda Shillings Fifty Thousand only) or in USD 20 (United States Dollars Twenty only). The method of payment will be cash or bank certified cheque. The document will be sent by courier upon payment of USD 50 (United States Dollars Fifty only) for courier services. 9. Applications for Prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below before or on 11 January 2016 at 11:00 am, and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Upgrading of Muyembe-Nakapiripirit Road (92km); Procurement No: UNRA/WORKS/2015-16/00001 The Head, Procurement and Disposal Unit, Uganda National Roads Authority, Plot 5, Lourdel Road, Nakasero, P.O. Box 28487, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-312-233100/256 414 318000 Fax: 256 414 232807/347616 Email: procurement@unra.go.ug