ROEI: Project Management Consultant for The Program of Medical Mobile Clinics for Health Care in Rural Area

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding [Open]
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Expression of Interest
Executing Department

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (ROEI) Project Management Consultant for The Program of Medical Mobile Clinics for Health Care in Rural Areas in Some Member Countries and Muslim Communities The Islamic Development (IsDB) has received a donation of US$266.67 million to establish 75 mobile clinics in rural areas in some Muslim states and communities (hereinafter referred to as “the Program”). IsDB was entrusted on the implementation of the Program in seven countries namely, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and others. So far, the IsDB signed an Agreement with the Governments of Yemen, Tajikistan and Kyrgyz. The program will be implemented under the overall supervision and management of the Bank through a Project Management Consultant (PMC) with the coordination of the concerned authorities in the targeted countries. The services of the PMC may be provided by a consulting firm (Consultant) with adequate experience in the field. The IsDB now invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the PMC. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform this task (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Experience in the following scope shall be the minimum requirement for the assignments. Scope of Service: Under the overall guidance of the Bank, the Consultant will provide complete project leadership and management services (including time and resource management), planning services including appraisals of the clinics requirements in the seven areas/countries, as well as supervision of implementation and setting up the scope, methodologies and procedures for sub-projects in each targeted location, preparing the procurement documents, supervision of contract management and quality monitoring of all activities, including works, procurement and services to be provided under the project. The consultant will have to make his own arrangements for office, utilities, accommodation and transport. The service will be for 5 years. The firms may associate to enhance their qualifications and clearly specify the type of association. A firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in IsDB Procurement Guidelines under Islamic Development Bank Financing, refer to IsDB web site ( Interested firms may obtain further information and expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below latest by 25 February 2015 (4:00PM) via courier and notification by email with the subject (MMUs: ROEI: Firms Interested: "your company name"). Technical Team Mobile Clinics Program Trust Fund Department Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Telephone +966126466728 Fax: +966126466661