Request for Expressions of Interest

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Number
Executing Department
Project code
Project title
The National Education Support Project

PROCUREMENT NOTICE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRAINING SUPPLIES RELATED CONSULTANCY SERVICES 1. Reference: MOES-IDB-CS/1 2. Country: Republic of Uganda 3. Project Name: Uganda National Education Support (UNES) Project 4. Financing: IDB Loan Agreement No. UG-0071 5. Description of Contract: The Government of Uganda (GOU), represented by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MOFPED), has secured financial assistance from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) towards the cost of the Uganda National Education Support (UNES) Project under Loan No. UG-0071 and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financial assistance to eligible payments under the contract for which this invitation for short-listing is issued. The Executing Agency for the Project is the Ugandan Ministry of Education & Sports. The aim of the contract is to provide quality infrastructure and training supplies related consultancy services for the rehabilitation and expansion of two (2) existing Uganda Technical Colleges at Elgon (in Mbale) and Lira, as well as one (1) existing National Teachers’ College at Unyama (in Gulu). The three sites shall consist of an estimated total new built-up area of 6,700 square meters and renovated similar area of 3,300 square meters, plus the associated electro-mechanical services, external works and training equipment. 6. Eligibility and Selection Criteria The short-listing process following the International Competitive Bidding Procedure Limited to Member Countries of the IDB, shall be based on the ‘Request for Expressions of Interest’ (R-EOI) Dossier, as approved by the IDB. All applications must conform to the standard forms included in the dossier. In addition to specific other guidance on the short-listing process, the dossier contains the eligibility and selection criteria to be applied. Interested applicants must however meet the following minimum criteria to qualify for further evaluation. • Minimum relevant average turnover over the last three (3) years of US$ 250,000. • At least one successfully completed similar project in the last five (5) years. 7. The Request Dossier and Submission Deadline The R-EOI dossier may be inspected by interested applicants, from the Project Coordination Unit at the address shown below and obtained at a cost of UGX 50,000. Project Coordination Unit, Uganda National Education Support (UNES) Project, Development House, Parliament Avenue, 3rd Floor Room 3.17, Ministry of Education and Sports, P.O. Box 7063, Kampala, UGANDA The dossier can also be obtained at no cost from the official website of the IDB at the following web address: Sealed applications must be delivered at the above physical address by 1500hrs local time on Monday 30th May 2011.