GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE - Livestock and Fisheries Dev Project for the North West Reg of Cameroon

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
General Procurement Notice
Executing Department
Project code
CM 0064
Project title
As Mentioned in the description

GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE (GPN) Country: The Republic of Cameroon Funding Source: Islamic Development Bank and Government of Cameroon Name of Project: Livestock and Fisheries Development Project for the North West Region of Cameroon Title: General Procurement Notice Sector: AGRICULTURE / AGROINDUSTRY / RURAL DEVELOPMENT Project ID NO: CM - 0064 The Government of the Republic of Cameroon requested and obtained from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) funding to finance the Livestock & Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), in the North West Region. The project is proposed to be co-financed by IDB and the Government of Cameroon. The total cost is estimated at USD 58.19 million of which IDB contribution will be USD 52.44 (USD 10.00 million Loan, USD 10.38 million through Installment Sale and 32.06 million through Istisna’a). The overall project objective is to contribute to increased rural income and reduced poverty the North West Region – the Project Area. The specific objective is to increase household income through increased production and productivity in the small scale livestock and fisheries subsectors. The project is expected to generate the following outputs: (i) increased livestock production and productivity in poor rural households; (ii) improved animal health, (iii) improved pasture management and animal feed supply, (iv) improved marketing of livestock and livestock products; (v) improved social infrastructure among the livestock communities; (vi) improved production in the fish farming and fisheries households; (vii) increased fingerling production; (viii) improved fish feed production; (ix) improved fish marketing; (x) Improved social infrastructure among the fishing communities. The Project comprises of the following five components: (i) Livestock Development; (ii) Fisheries Development (iii) microfinance (iv) Technical Assistance Implementation Support and (v) Project Management Unit. The details of the procurement procedures for various goods, works and services shall be as follows: Procurement of Works Works procure under this project will consist of: Construction of 3 Milk Processing Plant and its complimentary works; rehabilitation of 500 Km of Access /Feeder Road; provision of Basic Community Infrastructure for Livestock and Fisheries and operationalization of 7 demonstration and multiplication plots and its complimentary works. Contract Package # Contract Package – Type and Description Procurement Methods Package-1 Construction of 3 Milk Processing Plant and its complimentary works NCB Package-2 Rehabilitation of 500 Km of Access /Feeder Road ICB/MC+PQ Package -3 Provision of Basic Community Infrastructure for Livestock and Fisheries ICB/MC Package – 4 Operationalization of 7 demonstration and multiplication plots and its complimentary works ICB/MC NCB: National Competitive Bidding ICB/MC : International Competitive Bidding limited to IDB Member Countries Procurement of Goods Goods procured under this project would include Purchase of Day old Chicks and Small ruminant; Brood Stock for Cooperative; Equipment for IRAD for Production and Administration of Genetic Materials; Vaccines and Mineral licks; 84 training cattle; 84 sets of oxen tools; Fish tubs; Office Equipment and Software; 4X4 Pickup Vehicles; distribution trucks; milk vans; distribution vans and aerators ; Motorcycles; Plant and Machinery equipment for Milk Processing; and Raw Material for operation of feed milk. . Contract Package # Contract Package – Type and Description Procurement Methods Package – 5 Purchase of Day old Chicks and Small ruminant NCB Package – 6 Procurement of Brood Stock for Cooperative Shopping Package – 7 Procurement of Equipment for IRAD for Production and Administration of Genetic Materials and its complimentary equipment ICB Package – 8 Procurement of Vaccines and Mineral licks Shopping Package – 9 Operationalization of 7 demonstration plots Shopping Package-10 Acquisition of 84 training cattle Shopping Package-11 Acquisition of 84 sets of oxen tools Shopping Package-12 Acquisition of Fish tubs Shopping Package-13 Procurement of Office Equipment and Software ICB/MC Package-14 Procurement of 19 (4X4) Pickup Vehicles ICB/MC Package-15 Procurement of 1 distribution trucks Shopping Package-16 Procurement of 3 milk vans Shopping Package-17 Procurement of distribution vans and aerators Shopping Package-18 Procurement of Motorcycles ICB/MC Package-19 Procurement of Plant and Machinery for Milk Processing ICB Package-20 Procurement of Raw Material for 1st Year Operation of feed milk NCB Consultancy Services Consulting services will include (i) financial audits, (ii) technical assistance to support project implementation and capacity building; (iii) supervision of works Procurement of contracts financed by the Islamic Development Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works under Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the Guidelines for the Use of Consultants under Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009). Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid and Consultancy Services will be announced as they become available on IDB website (, as well as local newspapers of repute. Further information can be obtained from the address below: Project Coordinator C/O MIDENO Ayaba Street PO Box 442 Bamenda Cameroon Tel: (+237) 3361378 / 99552841 Fax: (+237) 3361661 E-mail:;