EOI - Grid Rural Electrification Project in Western, Northern, Central & Eastern Uganda

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Expression of Interest
Executing Department
Project title
Grid Rural Electrification Project in Western, Northern, Central & Eastern Uganda

Rural Electrification Agency Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development Grid Rural Electrification Project in Western, Northern, Central & Eastern Uganda REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST UNDER INTERNATIONAL COMPETETIVE BIDDING Procurement Reference Number: REA/SRVCS/14-15/00357 1. Introduction The Government of the Republic of Uganda has applied for financing from the Islamic Development Bank towards the cost of implementation of the Grid Rural Electrification Project in Western, Northern, Central and Eastern parts of the Country and intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consultancy Services for Supervision and Project Management. 2. Required Consultancy Services The scope of the services shall involve Project Management and Construction Supervision of the Grid Rural Electrification Project in Western, Northern, Central and Eastern parts of the Country comprising approximately 1,106 km of Medium Voltage overhead lines, 678 km of Low Voltage Networks, installation of 673 distribution transformers and 9,772 last-mile consumer connections. 3. Requirements The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services. The information to be provided includes: • Cover letter; • Legal documents indicating clearly the legal status and corporate profile including copy of current Business Registration Certificate; • Proof of eligibility (i.e. Islamic Development Bank’s Member Countries firms (ICB-MC)); • Evidence of experience in construction supervision of 33kV electricity distribution networks and at-least one consultancy assignment funded by either a Multi-Development Bank or any Bilateral/Multilateral International Organization; • Firm Organizational structure; • Availability of appropriate skills among staff (Project Manager, Distribution Engineers, Power Line Surveyor, Environmentalist, Sociologist and Clerks of Works); • Audited Books of Accounts for the last three years, i.e. 2012, 2013 & 2014; and • Experience in similar conditions, i.e. working experience in Sub-Saharan Africa. Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications and clearly specify the type of association (e.g. joint-venture or sub consultancies) as well as the nature of its business (commercial or not-for profit). A consultant will be selected through a shortlist of qualified international Consultants under International Competitive Bidding restricted to Islamic Development Bank’s Member Countries firms (ICB-MC), in accordance with the Islamic Development Bank’s Guidelines for the Use of Consultants under Islamic Development Bank Financing (2009 edition). Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours (i.e. 09:00 to 16:00 hours) (local time). Expressions of Interest in English must be delivered (in hardcopy; 1 [One] original & 2 [Two] copies) to the address below by 11:00 a.m. (local time) on 22nd July, 2015. Head, Procurement & Disposal Unit Rural Electrification Agency Plot 10, Windsor Loop P.O. Box 7317 Kampala-Uganda Tel: +256-312-318 100 Email: procurement@rea.or.ug Web site: www.rea.or.ug