Invitation for Bids - “Reconstruction Work of Vocational Educational Schools”

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Number
Executing Department
Project code
Project title
“Reconstruction Work of Vocational Educational Schools

INVITATION FOR BIDS REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Istanbul Special Provincial Administration Istanbul Project Coordination Unit İstanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (ISMEP) “RECONSTRUCTION WORK OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLS” (IDB-WB4-YAPIM-03) 1. This invitation for bids follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in Development Business No. 674 dated May 16, 2006; in the Official Journal No OJS 84 dated April 30, 2008, No OJS S64 dated April 01, 2011 and in Development Business No. 796 dated May 16, 2011. 2. The Republic of Turkey has applied for financing from the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) towards the cost Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (ISMEP), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the contract for Reconstruction Work of Vocational Educational Schools (IDB-WB4-YAPIM-03). 3. Republic of Turkey, Istanbul Special Provincial Administration, Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU), now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Reconstruction Work of Vocational Educational Schools (IDB-WB4-YAPIM-03) under a single contract package. (IDB-WB4-YAPIM-03) No City District Name-Adress of Schools Estimated Closed Area(m2) 1 Istanbul Güngören Güngören Industrial Vocational HighSchool 9.574 2 Istanbul Zeytinburnu 100. Yıl TradeVocational High Schools 10.706 3 Istanbul Bayrampaşa İnönü Anatolian Technical and Industrial Vocational High School 7.640 The Buildings will have total construction area of approximately 27.920, m2. The Buildings will be built under a single contract package and the construction period will be 330 calendar days. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive bidding limited to IDB Member Countries procedures with the Post-qualification Method specified in IDB’s Guidelines for Procurement under IDB Financing, dated May 2009 and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the Guidelines that meets the minimum qualification criteria specified below. 4. Minimum qualification criteria are: I. Minimum average annual turnover in construction work of 60.000.000 TL calculated as the average of total certified payments certified by Certified (Sworn-in) Public Accountant and received for construction works in progress or completed, within the last 3 (three) years (2009-20010, and 2011), for which the annual turnovers for corresponding years should be brought to 2012 basis by using Ministry of Public Works certificate coefficients. Annual turnovers shall be verified by the documents (invoices and progress payment certificates signed by Certified Public Accountant should be added) certified by Certified (Sworn-in) Public Accountant or Tax Authority. If, the Bidder has been awarded or has an on-going contract for a construction contract with IPCU for which the provisional acceptance has not yet been issued, the sum of such contract prices must be subtracted from the sum of the-last-three-years-annual turnover in construction work. As a result of this reduction, if the average annual turnover amount for the last three years has become less than the requested minimum average annual turnover amount above, the Bidder cannot be qualified. II. Successful experience performed in accordance with the contract and technical specifications for public or private sector either in Turkey or abroad as a prime contractor, or a joint venture partner (prime contractor), within last 5 (five) years (2007-2011) of having satisfactorily completed works of similar nature and complexity (all works under Group B/III) as follows; • Construction of a new building with at least 45.000 m2 enclosed construction area (calculated as sum of closed construction area) under one contract. Successful completion of the works should be evidenced by the work completion certificates (for a natural person, or a legal entity other than a public authority or organizations in public capacity) taken from relevant institution or organization. If the construction area is located within the municipal borders or adjacent area, the certificates must be approved by the relevant municipality otherwise certificates must be approved by the relevant Provincial Directorate of Public Works and Settlement. Works completion certificates taken up to the bid submission date will also be accepted. Work status certificates will not be accepted. III. The Bidder must demonstrate and prove at a minimum 12.5000.000 TL available cash credit line in a bank. In case the Bidder has been awarded or has an on-going contract for a construction contract with IPCU for which the provisional acceptance has not yet been issued, the Bidder must have a line of cash credit in the total sum of requested lines of bank cash credit at the bidding time of such contracts plus the requested amount as minimum financial requirement by this Bid. In case the Bidder performing such contract (s) within the structure of a joint venture for IPCU, the financial value of said contract should be taken as the proportionate amount of the partnership share of the Bidder in such Joint Venture IV. In the form of Joint Ventures, The Bidder shall submit The Joint Venture Declaration and meet the qualification criteria as well as other documentation and conditions given by the Invitation for Bids. For a Joint Venture to be qualified; Leading Partner (Partner in Charge) shall meet at least 50% of the minimum criteria specified in Items I, II, and III specified above, while the each of the other partners shall meet at least 25 % of the minimum criteria specified in Item I, II, and III above. However, all partners must satisfy collectively %100 of each qualification criteria. V. The Bidder shall provide required number of key personnel with appropriate experience and all necessary equipments for the satisfactory completion of the Works. VI. The Bidder must submit a declaration demonstrating that he/she is not prohibited from participation to the bids. VII. The Bidder shall provide accurate information on any current or past litigation or arbitration resulting from contracts completed, terminated, or under execution by him over the past 5 (five) years. VII. In the form of Joint Ventures, The Joint Venture Declaration and other documentation given by the Invitation for Bids 5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents, at İstanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU) at the address below from 09:00 to 17:00 which are office hours. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of 1.000 TL or in 400 Euro. The fee for bidding documents shall be deposited in the account no. for TL, IBAN-NO: TR31 0001 5001 5800 7286 1036 53 and for Euro IBAN-NO: TR91 0001 5001 5804 8000 3946 63 of İstanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU) at İstanbul VakıfbankMercan Branch by writing the reference number (IDB-WB4-YAPIM-03) of the contract package for which the bid will be submitted; application shall be accompanied by a petition, the sample of which is given in our website, for purchasing the documents, and the fee deposited shall not be returned for any reason whatsoever. 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below by November 05th, 2012 at 14.00 (local time). All bids must be accompanied by a Bank security of 1.000.000 Turkish Lira (TL)or equivalent minimum. The bid price shall be in any currency or in TL (Turkish Lira) which is the currency of the Employer’s country for tender package. 7. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on the date stated above. Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU) M. KemalettinMah. Tiyatro Cad. No:8 34126 Beyazıt, Istanbul, Turkey Contact Person: K. Gökhan ELGİN (Director) Tel : +90 212 518 55 00 Fax : +90 212 518 55 05 E-mail :