GPN - Sindh Integrated Health and Population Program - 4 Components

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
General Procurement Notice
Project code
Project title
Sindh Integrated Health and Population Program
GPN (IsDB).pdf139.52 KB



Sindh Integrated Health and Population Program Health


Mode of Financing: Installment Sale and IsDB Loan Financing No. PAK-1057


The Sindh Integrated Health and Women Empowerment Program has received financing in the amount of US $ 50.26 million equivalent from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the Sindh Integrated Health and Women Empowerment Program, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the World Bank.


The project will include the following components.


Component 1: Ensuring and Improving RMNCAH & Nutrition, Secondary Healthcare, FP Services Utilization and Public Health Emergencies Response.

Following Main Activity Shall be carried out under this Component

  1. Works
    1. Rehabilitation and Upgradation of 196 Government Dispensaries (GDs)
    2. Rehabilitation and Upgradation of 04 Regional Training Institutes (RTIs)
    3. Rehabilitation and Upgradation of 06 Public Health Schools.
  2. Goods
    1. Procurement of Medical Equipment / Instrument for 196 GDs


Component 2: Strengthen demand for and utilization of RMNCAH+N and FP Services and Women Empowerment.

Following Main Activities Shall be carried out under this Component


  1. Services
    1. Consultancy Services for skills development through vocational training.
    2. Consultancy Services for Administration and on-lending of the line of finance.
    3. Consultancy Services for Training of health staff on Family Planning.
    4. Consultancy Services for baseline and mid-term evaluation on the microfinance exercise.



Component 3: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation

Following Main Activities Shall be carried out under this Component


  1. Consultancy
    1. Selection of Individual Consultants for Project Management Unit


    1. Consultancy Services for baseline and mid-term evaluation on microfinance Exercise.
    2. Consultancy services for Refurbishment / Reconstruction Design of the selected Government Dispensaries.
    3. Consultancy services for Refurbishment / Reconstruction Design of the selected Government Dispensaries.

Component 4: Financial Audit

Following Main Activities Shall be carried out under this Component


  1. Services
    1. Hiring of Services for the financial audit.


“Procurement of contracts financed by the Islamic Development Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works, and related services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing (February 2023 version), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the Guidelines for the Procurement of Consultant Services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing (February 2023 version).”

Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the Islamic Development Bank’s international competitive bidding (ICB) or international competitive bidding – member countries (ICB/MC) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available, in IsDB Website and at project’s website


Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works and consulting services for the above mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Beneficiary at the address below:


Sindh Integrated Health and Women Empowerment Program Mr. Raheem Bakhsh Maitlo (Program Director)

Office no 201- Plot no 182-C Al-Murtaza Commercial Lane-2 Defence Housing Authority Phase VIII Karachi,

+92 21 33406147