Individual Consultant - PCR of the Water Transmission & Storage Development Project (Phase II) BAH053

Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Expression of Interest
Project title
Water Transmission & Storage Development Project (Phase II)

Invitation for Expression of Interest (IEOI) Individual Consultant Invitation for Expression of Interest

Date: 07/04/2021


Water Transmission & Storage Development Project (Phase II) BH053


  1. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) has approved an administrative budget for financing consulting services (the Services) for the above project. The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Services is in Appendix A. The Services will be provided by an individual consultant (the Consultant) who may be a self-employed professional or an employee of a consulting firm. IsDB will select and engage the Consultant in accordance with the IsDB Corporate Procurement Policy (Policy).


  1. IsDB now invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from potential individual applicants for consideration by IsDB in determining a shortlist of candidates to be invited to submit proposals. Depending on the number of the EOIs received and the qualifications of the applicants, IsDB may or may not short list all applicants who have submitted EOIs.


  1. Applicants who wish to submit an EOI should complete the EOI Form in Appendix B and submit it through IsDB’s online IEOI facility or by email, fax or courier to the following authorized representative of IsDB not later than 21/04/2021 (08:00 PM GMT):





Mr. Papa Abdoulaye SY

Global Lead Urban Development Social Infrastructure Division Islamic Development Bank Email:


Mr. Yousef Yousef





Appendix A: EOI Form (Attached to the Notice)


Appendix B: Terms of Reference (Attached to the Notice)