the DESIGN, Supply and Installation of PLANT, Machinery and Equipment for Three Milk Processing Plants and Milk Collection Points for the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (Lifidep) for the North West Region of Cameroon In Two (2) Lots

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding [Open]
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Tender Number
Executing Department
Project title
Livestock and Fisheries Development Project

The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) wishes to clarify all bidders as follows:


  1. Bidders who wish to be paid in foreign currency USD or EURO shall specify such as per the schedules in section IV (bidding forms),    pages 1/76 to 1/90 of the issued bidding documents.


  1. Pursuant to article GC 3.2(page 3/288) of the particular conditions of contract, payments shall be by bank transfer to the account specified on attestation of Bank account submitted by bidder as per ITB 11.1(J) of section II- Bid data sheet (page 1/46) of bidding documents.


  1. The capacity of each plant and its operating units are as per the specifications in section VII (Requirements) pages 2/139 to 2/162 of the issued bidding documents.


  1. The buildings for the plants are under construction(plans hereby attached)


  1. The raw material for processing is fresh milk, and the processed products are, pasteurized milk, cheese , yoghurt, butter and ice cream


  1. The budget is confidential and bidders are expected to submit their best competitive bid as per the specifications and conditions of design, supply and installation as per the bidding documents.





  1.  We confirm that a bidder who wishes to be awarded both lots is to submit separate lists of personnel for each lot ( page 1/67)


  1. Include the following item NO 60 in the bill of quantities for lot 1 under :Scope of Supply of Plant and Installation Services by the Contractor) from pages 2/133 to 2/135





   9. Under the bill of quantities  for lot 1 , item NO 57  page 2/134 of bidding documents should read as follows:


  10. The submission deadline initially slated for 17 March 2021 has been carried forward to 07 April 2021 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda , Cameroon 









- Cameroon Tribune (for Publication)

- ARMP (for publication and archiving)

- Chairperson LIFIDEP STB (for information)

-Jeune Afrique Magazine (for Publication)

-IsDB (for Publication)

-Notice boards (for information)