Acquisition of Laboratory Equipments and Materials for IRAD, Drcq and University of Yaoude I

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding [Open]
Tender Type
Specific Procurement Notice (Civil Works)
Executing Department
Agriculture & Food Security Division
Project title
Acquisition of Laboratory Equipments and Materials for IRAD, Drcq and University of Yaoude I


  1. Introduction

IS 1.1 -   The number of the invitation to tender: 001/IOIT/MINADER/SAPEP

IS 1.1 -  Name of the contracting authority: MINADER (National Coordinator SAPEP)

IS 1.1 - Number of the NOIT: Acquisition of Laboratory Equipment and Materials for IRAD, DRCQ,  University of Yaoundé I

Identification number of the IOIT: 001/IOIT/MINADER/SAPEP/2019

Number and Identification number of this IOIT lots:

Lot 1: Laboratory equipment and material for IRAD

Lot 2: Laboratory equipment and material for DRCQ

Lot 3: Laboratory equipment and material University of Yaoundé I

Provisional amount per lot:xc

Lot 1: 110 422 000 FCFA

Lot 2: 47 120 000 FCFA

             Lot 3: 47 120 000 FCFA

IS 2.1 - Name of the beneficiary:   Cameroun Government

IS 2.1 - L’institution financière spécifique du Groupe de la Banque est : Banque Islamique de Développement(BID)

IS 4.1(a)- Individuals and firms organized in GECA   will jointly be responsible.

ITB 4.4 - The list of firms sanctioned is available at http:/

B. Content of Tender file

IS 7.1 - For clarifications only, the contracting authority address is:

M. Nyobe Tarcisius, National Coordinator of SAPEP


Floor/ Office number:

Town: Yaoundé-Nkolbisson

 Postal code: 2123 (Directorate General/ l’IRAD)

Country: Cameroun

Phone number: (+237) 699 742 329/654 830 780/677 658 001

Telecopy number:  Electronic mail :

Request for clarifications must be received by the contracting authority latest 05 days before deadline for submission of tenders.

IS 7.4 - A preparatory meeting will not take place.

C. Preparation of tenders

IS 10.1 - The language of tender is: French or English

11.1 (h)- The tenderer must attach to his tender following documents, to attest that equipment and material are in conformity with the Tender file:

              The declaration to tender, stamped, dated and signed

A bid bond for 2.000.000FCFA

A receipt of purchasing Tender file for 75000

An attestation of solvency

A domiciliation bank attestation

A non-exclusion certificate attesting that the bidder is not the subject of an exclusion order or forfeiture provided for by the law in force

An attestation for tender CNPS

A clearance certificate regarding the payment of taxes

A certified copy of taxes payer card

The emplacement localization plan

The commitment to respect the transparency and ethic charter for public procurement

IS 11.1 (j)- The Tenderer must attach others following documents to his bid:

The procurement of laboratory equipment and material planning.

The certified financial statements from chartered accountant for the three last year 2015, 2016 and 2017.

The capacity to get a loan of 60.000.000 FCFA for lot 1, and 20.000.000FCFA for lots 02 and 03, free of others charges of the tenderer. (CF Tender forms of section IV to fill)

IS 13.1 - The variants are not admitted.

IS 13.2 - The variants relating to the execution dateline are not admitted.

IS 13.4 - The technical variants on the parts of motors cultivators are not admitted. 

IS 14.2 - The prices offered by the tenderers are firm

IS 14.5 - The Version 2010 of Incoterms is the one to refer to

IS 14.6(a)(i)- The Incoterm to use for prices of Goods from the contracting authority country is EXW 

IS 14.6(b) (i)- The Incoterm to use for prices of Goods from   abroad country is CIP

IS 14.7 - The prices offered by the tenderer will not be adjusted during the execution of the contract

IS 14.8 - The price indicated for each lot must correspond for a minimum of 100% of each lot articles.

The price indicated for each lot must correspond for a minimum of 100%    of the required quantity for this article

IS 15.1 - The price of the bid and payments relating to the contract will be worded in moneys as follows:

 IOIT option (Selected Option)

The tenderer submits his price in the national money from the contracting authority country


  1. The tenderer will word all prices in FCFA et so called “national money””. The tenderer who will like to sustain expenditures in other money in order to get entrants from other countries than one of the contracting authority, named « strange moneys », will indicate in the Bordereau of prices for closely related Goods and Services mentioned in Section IV, Tender Form, the percentage of the bid amount, necessary to cover strange money needs, without exceeding a maximum of three moneys.
  2. The change rates used by the tenderer to give amount and percentage of his bid in national money will be specified by the tenderer in the Bordereau of prices for closely related Good in Section IV, Tender Forms. They will be implemented for all payment linked to the contract, in order to avoid that the change risk be supported by the tenderer selected.

The contracting authority can require from tenderers to justify their needs in terms of strange and national money and give proofs that the amounts mentioned in the Bordereau of prices of closely related Goods and Services, included in Section IV, Tenders Forms, are reasonable, and in this case, the tenderer will provide sub details of needs of strange money.

IS 16.2 - The tenderer must attach to his bid an authorization from the fabricant for all the components of motors cultivators.

IS 18.1 - The validity period of the bid is 120 days.

IS 19.1 - The tenderer must provide bid bond of 2.000.000FCFA for   lot1, 900 000 FCFA for lot 2 and   900 000FCFA for lot 3.

IS 20.1 - Apart from the original, the number of copies required is six (06).

IS 20.2 - The habilitation of signatory of the bid to sign in the name of the tenderer   must include a representation mandate duly signed by a police officer.

D. Admissibility and Opening of tenders

IS 21.1 - The tenderer cannot submit his bid by electronic mail.

IS 21.1 (b)- The procedure of submitting bids is as follow: NA

IS 22.1- Only to submit the bids, the address of the contracting authority is as follow: 

 Mr. National Coordinator National of SAPEP


Floor/ number of office:

Town code : Yaoundé-Nkolbisson

Postal : 2123

Country: Cameroun

 The dateline and hour for the submitting of the bids:

Date :

Hour: 14 p.m.  at SAPEP à Nkolbisson

IS 25.1 - The opening of tenders will take place at 15 p.m at:

CIPM-Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Dévelopment Rural(MINADER)

Floor /Number of office:

Town: Yaoundé

Country: Cameroun                                                                              


Hour: 14 p.m.

IS 25.1 - The opening of the tender’s procedure by electronic mail is: NA 

E. Evaluation of tenders

IS 31.2 - A preference margin for Countries members is not agreed

F. Award of contract

IS 35.2 - Quantities can be increased for a maximal percentage of 10%