ADDITIF COMMUNIQUEL - Specific Procurement Notice - Construction de l’Aéroport International OUAGADOUGOU-DONSIN.

Notice Type
Appel D'offres Concurrentiel International [Ouvert]
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Specific Procurement Notice (Civil Works)
Executing Department
Project code
Project title
Construction de l’Aéroport International OUAGADOUGOU-DONSIN

PRE-QUALIFICATION NOTICE FOR CONTRACTORS 1) SUBJECT The Government of Burkina Faso has decided, with the support of its technical and financial partners, the construction of the new International Airport of Ouagadougou and its access roads in the village of Donsin located 30 km northwest of the city of Ouagadougou. In this context, Burkina Faso obtained from Arab technical and financial partners (IDB BADEA, SFD FKDEA and OFID), funding for implementing construction work of the Donsin airport platform. And it intends to use a portion of the proceeds of this funding to make payments under batch 2 A Construction of Runway of the Donsin airport platform construction work. The Government of Burkina Faso represented by the Director General of the Donsin Airport Contracting authority (la Maîtrise d'ouvrage de l'Aéroport de Donsin), informs public work and civil engineering companies that a notice of open pre-qualification is launched for the selection of companies in view of a limited Invitation for Bids for the implementation of the construction work of the airport pavements, batch 2 A of the construction work of the airport platform of the new international airport of Ouagadougou-Donsin 2) DESCRIPTION OF BATCH Construction work of airport pavements, Sanitation and hydrant network object of the batch 2 A are defined as follows: • General Earthworks, • Aircraft Pavements, • Category II marking, • Sanitation • ICAO fence 3) SOURCE OF FUNDING Funding for this project will be provided by: - The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA); - The Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development (FKDEA); - The Saudi Fund for Development (SFD); - The Islamic Development Bank (IDB); - OFID (OPEC Fund); - Burkina Faso. 4) PARTICIPATION IN THE PRE-QUALIFICATION Participation in the competition is allowed to all companies or groups of companies eligible to BADEA, FKDEA, SFD, IDB and OFID funds. All goods and services covered by this project must come from eligible countries as defined in the definition already mentioned in paragraph above and expenditures made under this project will be limited to only those goods and services. Burkinabe Companies must be in compliance vis-à-vis tax and parafiscal administration and must have a technical approval for the category T4 of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Opening up following Order No. 0004/MITH/CAB of January 17, 2005. Companies or groups of companies wishing to participate in the subsequent Call for Bids should send their application for pre-qualification. The pre-selection criteria will focus on the financial, technical capacities as well as experience in similar work. The number of companies admitted to a group is three at most. The Application Form for qualifying companies must be submitted in four (04) copies, one (01) original and three (03) copies marked as such. The deadline for receipt of applications for the qualification is set on May 08, 2014 before 10: 00 a.m. (local time) at the address below: MAITRISE D'OUVRAGE DE L'AEROPORT DE DONSIN Rue: 1090, Avenue Professeur Joseph KI-ZERBO Numéro bureau: deuxième étage/Directeur technique de la MOAD VILLE: OUAGADOUGOU 03 B.P. 7027 Ouagadougou 03 BURKINA FASO Tél. : (226) 50 324817 / 50 324818 Fax. : (226) 50 331003 Electronic mail: Bids will be opened on the same day at nine o'clock (09: 00) local time in the meeting room of the MOAD third floor in the presence of candidates' representatives who so desire. 5) ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK Estimated quantities and the brief description of this implementation work for the main work of the track 05 /23 (3500 m long) are provided for guidance and are presented as follows: 5.1 Preparatory work and earthworks of airfield pavements: • Brush clearing, right-of-way cleaning , topsoil storage: 1000 ha • Excavation reused as backfill: ………………………………………800 000 m3 • Stockpiled excavation off-site: ………………………………………350 000 m3 • Backfill from borrow pit: …………………………………………………………80 000 m 5.2 Aeronautical bituminous concrete pavement (track, taxiways and service roads): • Asphalt Concrete (BBSG, BBA, BBME): ………………………………80 000 tons • Grave bitumen :………………………………………………………….160 000 tons • Reconstituted graves (crushed): ………………………………………..250 000 m3 5.3 Aeronautical cement concrete pavement (aircraft parking areas): • Concrete paving (usually 40 cm thick and 15 cm lean concrete): ………..90,000 m2 • Seals and studs: …………………………………………………………………25000 ml 5.4 Aeronautical markings: • Paint : 19 000 m2 5.5 Oleo network : • Installing an oleo network in the parking area from the fuel depot 5.6 Sanitation and drainage work: • Various Channels: 10 000 ml • hydrocarbon Separators (different capacities): 6 units • Earthworks for transfer valley flashing: 770,000 m3 • Other earthworks: 112,000 m3 • Various Scuppers: 1500 ml • Depollution basin (18 000 m2 of geomembrane 5.7 Lightning : • Marking Cat II of ICAO • Construction of power plant buildings and substations excluded 5.8 Lighting of parking areas: • Masts and projectors: ……………………………………………………………22 units 5.9 Inner fence : • ICAO fence : 14 500 ml The estimated implementation period of work is thirty (30) months. 6) PROVISION OF FORMS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Prequalification forms can be obtained by candidates at the address above: (1) Upon presentation of payment receipt of CFA francs two hundred thousand (CFA 200,000) corresponding to the non-refundable form purchase price. This payment is made to the Direction Générale du Contrôle des Marchés et des engagements financiers (DGCMEF) 01 BP 6444 Ouagadougou 01, Tél. : (226) 50 32 47 75 / 50 32 46 12. (2) And after signature of a register opened for this purpose at the Direction Générale de la Maîtrise d’Ouvrage de l’Aéroport de Donsin. Failure to follow this procedure to obtain the prequalification form is disqualifying and the concerned company’s Pre-qualification application will be rejected and unopened. Ouagadougou, Procurement Officer, President of the Commission for contracting out Contracting authoriry of the Donsin Airport AWendoana Pascal KIMA