Notice Type
Enchères Concurrentielles Internationales
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Number
Executing Department
Project title
Uganda National Education Support (Unes) Project

A total of US $ 13.8 million was secured for Project Phase I under Loan Agreement No. UG-0071, while another US $ 14.11 million was secured for Phase II Project under Loan Agreement No. UG-0076. Implementation of Project Phase I began in January 2011; Phase II has just started in the month of September 2012. The Project Executing Agency is the Ugandan Ministry of Education & Sports. The BTVET and Technical-Vocational Education and Training (BTVET) Technical Instructor Education and Training (TIET) in Uganda. The GOU intends to apply part of the proceeds of the secured financial assistance to the project, for Works, Goods and Consulting Services. The scope of Project Phase I is summarized below: 1. Improving access and quality of UTCs through a. Rehabilitation and expansion of two UTCs (Elgon in Mbale & Lira), b. Supply of furniture, equipment, tools and textbooks, c. Curriculum development, d. Skills development and e. Provision of ICT equipment; 2. Improving access and quality to teacher education sub-sector a. Expansion and rehabilitation of one NTC (Unyama in Gulu) b. Supply of furniture, equipment, tools and textbooks, c. Training of trainers and d. Provision of ICT Equipment and Transport; 3. Project Management comprising a. support to the PCU, b. studies and supervision services, c. audit d. start-up workshop / mid-term review The main outstanding procurements under this phase shall include: • Works at the beneficiary institutions, through the NCB procedure • Supply of furniture, equipment, tools and textbooks, through ICB-MC procedure • The development of a trainer for the NTC, through NS procedure, and • The development and training of trainers, through NS procedure The scope of Project Phase II is summarized below: 1. Improving access to the UTCs through a. Expansion of three UTCs (Bushenyi, Kichwamba & Kyema), b. Supply of furniture. 2. Improving the quality of UTCs a. Equipment, b. Curriculum Development, c. Skills development. 3. Project Management comprising a. support to the PCU, b. studies and supervision services, c. audit, d. start-up workshop / mid-term review. The following are some of the following: • Consulting Services for the three UTCs, through S-MC procedure • Rehabilitation / expansion Works at the three UTCs, through NCB procedure • Supply of furniture, equipment, tools and textbooks, through ICB-MC procedure • Skills development, through NS Procedures and Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works, as well as the IDB Guidelines for the Use of Consultants, will be announced when they become available. Interested eligible bidders, who should be included in the process of receiving additional information, should be provided with the following information: THE HEAD, PROCUREMENT AND DISPOSAL UNIT, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SPORTS, Floor 7 Room 7.2, Embassy House, Plot 9/11 King George VI Way, PO Box 7063, Kampala (Uganda) e-mail contact: copied to Notice: